1. General Rules – Major League Baseball Rules (Sporting News Edition) will be followed except where explicitly modified by these local (NWCBA) rules.
2. Age
 – Spring Season players must be at least eleven (11) years of age and not have reached thirteen (13) years of age; Fall Season players must be at least ten (10) years of age and not have reached thirteen (13) years of age - ages are as of April 30th playing year. A player may be asked to produce a copy of his/her birth certificate before the start of league play if there is any question about his/her age.
3. Umpires
 – The league will arrange to have (2) umpires present for all scheduled games. And umpires will be rescheduled for games that are cancelled due to weather.
4. Lineups/Pitchers
 – the coaches will exchange lineup cards prior to the start of every game. Follow Pitch Smart guidelines below.  Games in which an ineligible pitcher is used shall be declared forfeited by the offending team.
5. Baseballs
 – each coach shall provide the umpire with one (1) new baseball and one (1) good used baseball prior to the start of the game.
6. Official Game
 – a minimum of seven (7) players will be required to start and continue a game. Less than seven players will constitute a forfeiture of the game. Each team will have no more than fifteen (15) minutes past the game starting time to field a team. After that time, the offending team will forfeit the game by a 6-0 score.


6 innings with 2-hour drop-dead limit.

NO new innings to begin after 1 hour 45 mins.


7. Length of Game – a game will consist of six (6) innings with a 2-hour drop dead time limit. If the home team is ahead entering the bottom of the sixth inning, the game is complete. No inning may start after one (1) hour and forty-five (45) minutes from the time the game began, nor fifteen (15) minutes before the start of a following game, unless a delay is encountered due to weather.  Extra innings in case of a tie will be allowed as long as the time limit rule is not exceeded. The official starting time shall be the originally scheduled start time or 15 minutes after the end of the preceding game, whichever is later. Games rained out prior to four (4) complete innings or three and one half (3 1/2) innings if the home team is ahead, will be rescheduled as a new game.

8. Tie Games – in order for a game to be declared a tie game by the umpire, it must be a regulation game (at least four complete innings must have been played). Extra innings may be played as long as the time limit rule is not violated. Tie games will be played at the end of the season only if the outcome of the game has bearing on the league standings for tournament play. A tie game is replayed as a new game.

9. 10-Run Rule Mercy Rule – a game may be terminated once it becomes a regulation game if one team is ahead by 10 or more runs and each team has had equal turns at bat or the home team is leading. Termination is solely at the option of the trailing team's head coach.

10. Defense – all players must play a minimum of three (3) innings per game in the field defensively. Exceptions may occur as a result of rain/time-shortened games or for disciplinary reasons.  A player my not occupy the same defensive position on the field for more than a cumulative total of 4 innings.

11. INFIELD Playing Time – each player must play in the Infield within the first three innings.

12. Re-Entry Rule – the re-entry rule will be used for all defensive field positions except the pitcher. A non-pitching player may be entered at, removed from, or moved to, any defensive position at any time during the game.  For pitcher re-entry follow Cal Ripken rules.

13. Continuous Batting Order – a continuous batting order will be used, and all players attending a game must take their regular turn at bat during the game. The batting order will remain fixed during the game, with defensive fielding assignments having no effect on the batting order. Late arrivals will enter the batting order at the bottom of the lineup card. Should a player leave the game (e.g., due to injury), all players below that player in the batting order will move up one slot and maintain the same batting order. If the player who left the game returns and is re-inserted into the game, he/she must enter into the same batting position as he/she originally occupied, with the players below him/her in the batting order moving down one slot into their original positions in the batting order. If a batter leaves the game due to injury, the next batter in the lineup starts with a 0-0 count. No player may change positions in the batting order during a game. Any player who bats out of turn (receives one pitch) is automatically out, and all base runners must return to the bases they occupied before the offending batter came to the plate, provided a defensive coach or player calls time out and appeals the player batting out of turn prior to the next batter receiving one pitch. Without such appeal, the result of the out-of-turn at-bat stands.

13a.  Continuous Batting Order Late Arrival Option 1 - For a player(s) who is arriving late the coach may add the player(s) to the batting order and if that player(s) turn at bat happens before his arrival he will be declared “out” by the umpire.  Assuming the player shows up before his next turn at bat then he will bat as normal.  The player will be declared out for any missed plate appearances. 

13b.  Continuous Batting Order Late Arrival Option 2 – For a player(s) who is arriving late the coach may add the “late” player to the end of his batting order and if that player(s) does not show up before his turn at bat the coach can elect to scratch that player from the lineup.  In this case that batter will NOT be declared “out”.  However, that player(s) will be ineligible to enter the game as a hitter.  Note: A continuous batting order that’s been submitted to the umpire may only be changed in the case of an injured player.

14. Pitch Smart – Pitch Smart tracking will be used to keep track of how many pitches a pitcher throws in a game.  You can sign off on other team’s pitch tracking or score sheet.  It is important for each team to set workload limits for their pitchers to limit the likelihood of pitching with fatigue.  Research has shown that pitch counts are more accurate and effective means of doing so.  See required rest recommendation below.




Daily Max

0 Days Rest

1 Day Rest

2 Days Rest

3 Days Rest

4 Days Rest


Pitches in Game






9 – 10


1 -20

21 - 35

36 - 50

51 - 65

66 - 75

11 - 12


1 -20

21 - 35

36 - 50

51 - 65

66 - 85








15. Special Pitching Rules:

· No intentional walks are allowed.

· Pitchers are allowed to throw fastballs and changeups ONLY.  No curves, knuckles.

· Balks will be enforced in this division. Pitchers will be given one (1) warning for a balk. After the warning has been issued, balks will be called.

· The pitcher’s mound will be placed 50 feet from home plate and bases set at 70 feet.

16. Mound Visits – a coach may make one trip to the mound per inning per pitcher. On the second trip to the mound in the same inning for the same pitcher, the pitcher must be removed from the game as a pitcher. At that point he/she becomes a non-pitching player and may occupy any other defensive position on the field. When a coach goes to the mound, all players must remain at their positions unless summoned to the mound by the coach. Only the three (3) players, including the current pitcher may meet at the mound per trip.

17. Ineligible Pitchers – any game in which an ineligible pitcher is used (throws at least one pitch) shall be declared forfeited to the non-offending team. The opposing coach must make appeal to the umpire during the game or to the League Commissioner within 48 hours of the conclusion of the game.

18. Catchers – all catchers must wear a helmet, mask w/ throat guard, chest protector, and shin guards while playing defense behind the plate (a catcher may remove his/her helmet/mask to field a pitch that has been taken by the batter or to field a batted ball).

19. Dropped Third Strike – the batter may advance to first base on a dropped third strike if either the base is unoccupied at the time of the pitch w/ less than two outs, or when there are two outs, regardless of runners on base.

20. Throwing the Bat – throwing or slinging the bat is prohibited and the batter is out. However, the umpire may first issue one (1) warning per team, in which case the play stands. If the batter is called out, no base runner may advance.

21. Infield Fly- the infield fly rule WILL be in effect for this division

22. Courtesy Runners – if the catcher or pitcher of record (the player who was at the position during the last pitch thrown by his/her team while on defense) is on base with two (2) outs, the last player to have been put out may be substituted (although substitution is not mandatory) as a runner. If pinch-run for, that player must catch or pitch, as applicable, in the subsequent defensive half-inning

23. Coaches – No coaches on the field of play except 1st and 3rd base coaches.  For Minor B the coach running the Blue Flame pitching machine. is allowed on the field.

24. Protests – to be valid, any protest must be announced to the umpire and opposing coach immediately at the time of the dispute. Written notice and detailed explanation of the protest must be turned in to the League Commissioner within 24 hours. No protest shall ever be permitted on judgment calls by the umpire.

25. Scorebooks – scorebooks must be accurate and complete. The home team is responsible for keeping the official scorebook. Coaches are to check the scorebook after each game.

26. Discipline – a player may be withheld from a game for team discipline reasons with the approval of the League Commissioner. Parents must be notified in advance of the game.  The League Commissioner, with approval from the NWCBA President or Vice President may impose a suspension on any head coach, assistant coach, player, or parent/fan for unsportsmanlike conduct.  Additionally, any player or coach ejected from a game will be subject to the following penalties:

·       Coach – first offense results in disqualification from that game and his/her team's next game; second offense results in disqualification for the remainder of the season.

·       Player – first offense results in disqualification from that game and his/her team's next game; any subsequent offenses result in disqualification from that game and his/her team's next three (3) games.


Replacement Players – if a player moves from the area or is injured, he/she may be replaced. The Commissioner's decision to choose replacement players is final. An injured player, upon recovery, may rejoin the team provided that the total number of players does not exceed the player limit. There will be no outs issued for a sick or injured player. Adding substitute players will not be allowed under any circumstances.


End-of-Season Tournament – following the completion of the Spring or Fall seasons, there may be a league tournament in which all teams will compete.

Major Playoff Rules:

1. Championship Game

a. No new inning after 2 Hours.

b. No Drop-dead time.

2. Non-Championship Game

a. No new inning after 1 Hour and 45 minutes.

b. No drop-dead time.

3. Playoff Game Tie breaker after time is up and inning is completed.

· Each team shall begin their offensive half of the inning with the bases loaded and one out.

· The last hitter from the team’s prior offensive inning shall go to 1st base, the hitter before him shall go to 2nd base, and the hitter before him shall go to 3rd base.

· This rule shall be used for each inning from this point forward until a winning team can be declared.

· Teams may NOT use a courtesy runner when the game is being contested under tie-breaker rules.

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North Wake Baseball

The Factory Baseball Complex is located at:
1845 Grandmark Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587

General inquiries may be sent to: