Rookie League traditionally consists of 8-13 teams split between A and B leagues. The A and B leagues are split based on evaluation scores. “A” will be more skilled players, “B” will be players that are newer to the game and/or less experienced. Typically, there are 2-3 events each week Monday – Friday and occasional Saturdays. One or two 1.5-hour games and/or 2-hour practices per week. Games are six innings long, except that no new inning shall begin after one hour and 30-minute time limit, and a 1 hour and 45-minute drop dead. If there is a tie after six innings, additional innings may be played to try to break the tie, subject to the time limit to start a new inning.

The Rookie League is a coach-pitch competitive and instructional league for players 7-8 years old in the Spring, and 6-7 years old in the Fall. Age is determined by the player age on April 30 of the playing year.

Typically, all weekday events for Rookie will begin at 5:15-5:30 PM.


Each MCP, Rookie, Minor, and Major player orders and pays for a uniform bundle containing 2 jerseys and 1 baseball hat. All teams wear the same style and color of jerseys – 1 color will be used as the ‘Home’ team; the other color will be worn as the ‘Away’ team. The same hat will be worn at all games.

Players choose their jersey number and his/her last name will be applied to the back of the jersey! The Uniform Ordering Portal is located on The NW Uniform Bundle is available only from the NW-approved vendor. 

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North Wake Baseball

The Factory Baseball Complex is located at:
1845 Grandmark Street
Wake Forest, NC 27587

General inquiries may be sent to: